Nyilván sokan olvastátok a Helsinki Bizottság részére címzett legújabb fideszes anyázást.
Annyira elegem van már az általunk busásan fizetett hivatalnokok által kibocsátott hivatalos közlemények fórumtroll-színvonalú, szélsőséges stílusából, hogy az elmondhatatlan. A http://www.epp.eu/contact oldalon megtalálhatók az Európai Néppárt főbb tisztségviselői, néhányuknak elküldtem az alábbi levelet a Fideszben elharapózó szélsőjobbos stílussal kapcsolatban. Ha valaki akarja, kövesse a példámat.
Dear XXXX,
I turn to you in a matter that is of utmost importance to me and to countless other citizens of Hungary.
I include the English translation of one of the daily communications of Fidesz, a constituent party of the EPP. This tone (see below) is not at all an isolated incident, the style of this statement is altogether characteristic of how Fidesz communicates within the confines of the Hungarian language these days. Talk about international capitalist conspiracies and the furthering of hostile interests with the financial support of George Soros is totally unacceptable from a European Christian Democratic point of view. This is the hate speech of the far right that goes against the European idea and the whole range of the values the EPP is based on.
The EPP enjoys a lot of respect among Hungarians and the party's EPP membership is a constant point of reference and a shield to Fidesz politicians trying to defend their conduct against legitimate criticism. By keeping the Fidesz among your members, you are currently lending legitimacy to these thoughts. Do you really think that Fidesz should remain an integral and valued part of your conservative community?
I have faith in the EPP's commitment to democracy and I hope you will clearly and definitively dissociate your party from this kind of destructive hate-mongering and give an adequate answer to how the Fidesz transgresses the bounds of civilized communication day by day.
Kind regards,
The text of the communication, the original of which is available at http://www.fidesz.hu/hirek/2015-05-22/fejezze-be-a-helsinki-bizottsag-a-hazudozast-a-bevandorlokrol/ :
Statement by Fidesz
Helsinki Commission, this fake NGO acting on orders of international speculators and financial capital, is shameless in its efforts to falsify unambiguous data.
In contrast to their lies, facts are that four-fifths of asylum seekers who came to Hungary in 2014, some 35 thousand people, did not come from war zones. They are therefore economic migrants.
Until May this year 17.3 percent of asylum seekers came from war zones, therefore the vast majority of illegal border crossings is not by political refugees.
We call the Helsinki Commission to stop lying and, given the importance and severity of the question, to have the decency of not being busy stuffing their pockets with the money of George Soros at least this one time!
(emphasis added)